Ahead and Ahead Safely

Need a confidence boost?

Try a product that has GAINED in consumer confidence during the pandemic

You need a boost of confidence in this strange, tense and — let’s face it — just plain weird time to be living. That boost needs to be something stronger than an espresso shot or a mouthful of a fizzy energy drink. But, you won’t have confidence in something that isn’t impactful over the long haul, or just a quick-fix.

As markets continue to sway from jaw-dropping gains to nail-biting lows, one industry is gaining in consumer confidence and goodwill: life insurance. A survey conducted in May 2020 by insurance organization LIMRA found that overall consumer confidence in life insurance has reached record highs. The surprising thing about this study is that it found consumer confidence in life insurance rising even in people who don’t own policies!1

This is evidence of two things you should consider:

First, life insurance has a reputation as a meaningful financial tool for American families even in troubled economic times.

Second, life insurance is viewed by the general public as valuable and helpful.

…life insurance is viewed by the general public as valuable and helpful. That kind of reputation doesn’t happen overnight. It is built on the testimonies of real people who have relied on life insurance to help them in some of the most difficult circumstances…

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That kind of reputation doesn’t happen overnight. It is built on the testimonies of real people who have relied on life insurance to help them in some of the most difficult circumstances they’ve ever had to face during their life times.

If you don’t currently own individual life insurance, it’s likely because you think it’s too expensive. More than half of Americans mistakenly price life insurance at triple its actual cost.2 A quick conversation with your local Catholic United representative can give you a realistic figure on what life insurance protection will provide for you and your family.

As a product, life insurance has stood the test of time as a dependable asset that is steadfast in uncertain economic forecasts. And that dependability is valuable to your confidence in your personal finances. If the worst should happen, your loved ones will have a source of stability that can help keep daily life running.

1Source: https://www.limra.com/en/newsroom/news-releases/2020/limra-consumers-confidence-in-the-economy-declines-during-the-pandemic-but-confidence-in-life-insurers-jumps/

2Source: https://www.lifehappens.org