

Product News

Details and developments on the products sold by Catholic United Financial. In our effort to provide our members with products, services and benefits that will contribute to their financial well-being, Catholic United is constantly researching and introducing products that fit this mission. These are stories and announcements of value to our members and potential members.

Pitfalls to avoid when Downsizing

Avoiding common downsizing mistakes is crucial for a smooth transition to a simpler, more fulfilling lifestyle.
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Do you have enough protected income for retirement?

Avoid the fixed income trap -- which means no wiggle room for an opportunity or challenge that life throws at you during retirement. Set up protected income instead.
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What is your life insurance love language?

It's said that love isn't an emotion but is instead "affection put into action in thought, word and deed."
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Catholic United Financial Sprout Solutions for families now available

Catholic United Financial launches Sprout Solutions for Catholic families

Catholic United Financial is pleased to announce the launch of Sprout Solutions to address the needs of young Catholic families.
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Inflation & Life Insurance: Will You Have Enough?

Learning to factor in the economy to your coverage can help you stay better prepared for the future.
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3 Myths About Life Insurance

Are any of these reasons stopping you from getting the life insurance coverage you need?
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Have You Done Enough to Protect Your Income from Market Downturns?

When the time comes to take income, our annuities can also create a lifetime income stream that can never go down or run out.
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Do You Have a Plan for Long-Term Care?

More than two-thirds of people over age 65 will need some type of long-term care. How do you fund a plan? Long term care insurance? Self funding? Learn your options.
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